Good to Know

Always Changing

As 2020 ended, I planned to start a blog about the sweetness of life in the North Georgia Mountains. Seemed simple enough, but of course, life can be complicated no matter where we are. And depending on our disposition, we can often make things a little harder than they would have been if we could just stay out of our own way.

Work distractions and other factors soon persuaded me to default to the reporter perspective for the blog, but that required interaction that was more limited than I anticipated. Now it seems we may be distancing again. After some personal chaos over the last few months, I’m pushing area spectating aside and going back to the original concept–knowing now that savoring the sweetness is essential–and this space was always intended for just that. Time to learn WordPress.

And rather than create more clutter in the web-osphere, There will be a page tagged on for a side project, a bit of fiction sharing my appreciation for good people, mixed with a little intrigue and adventure, largely staged amid these glorious North Georgia Mountains. It’s called Always, Always Choose Again.